Sunday, December 6, 2009

About My Term Research Paper

My paper is about Social Networking sites and if that is better or worse than the real thing. I give an overview in the first paragraph about the positives and negatives of social networking sites and face to face networking. I also talk about the different networking sites and what they provide to the public. My second paragraph goes on to talk about legal issues surrounding these networking sites and how they can ruin lives and social skills.
The third paragraph starts getting into the nitty gritty of it where people explore whether lives were simpler or harder before these sites came around, the annoyances that come with it, and whether society gives a positive effect. I also point out whether this is all good from a marketing standpoint for businesss. The next paragraph is rather brief in showing people who prefer face to face vs social networking.
Lastly, I come to talk about the future these social networks mean to us, and how to balance virtual networks and social skills. Most of my research came from online journals or publications and various newspapers and websites.
My paper contributes to "New Media" because it opens people up to other options in networking and how negative or positively it really affects us.

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